

I am Charith, a Software engineer who want to build stuff which are useful .

June 2008 me and my wife was blessed with an Angel touch. We had our baby boy Sasen .He's growing and wanted to explore this wonderful world .I wanted to show him the world in a fantasized way, to keep him imagine and be creative.

I am writing software's for his use and he loves it .Sasen name each application on his own and uses them .Believe me this is a one tough customer .

This site I host to share those applications and other useful stuff for child development.

Take this , use it and just let your kids dream and imagine .

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Application which display Alphabet when clicked on a Letter

Simple ABC with Pictures

This is a simple application which displays a relevant pictures based on the letter selected.
It’s named as "B" by Sasen.